Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Room 4 Highlights!

We have been working so hard this week in Room 4! Here are some photos of us working quietly at our desks!


  1. Hi Room 4,

    What great focused learners you look in these photos. I'm sure Mr Barker would be proud to see how well you are doing with that HIGH 5. I hope that you are all enjoying the year so far and keep up the good work. Room 14 and I will pop back to see what else you have been learning about.

  2. WOW Room 4 you look amazing!!!! Keep up all the fabulous work!
    :) Bryan

  3. Hi Room 4,
    What hard workers you are. I can see some very colorful illustrations and I bet the stories are really interesting.

  4. Hi Room 4, what focussed workers you are already! I think you will learn heaps this year if you keep that up.

    Kerry R10

  5. Go Room 4! What amazing independent workers you all are. You'll make awesome senior students one day..
